Жирнокислотный состав листьев рапса с трансгеном Cyp11a1 в условиях высокотемпературного стресса

  • L. O. Sakhno
  • M. S. Slyvets
  • A. A. Peterson
  • A. M. Ostapchuk
  • N. A. Korol
  • N. V. Karbovska
  • M. V. Kuchuk


Aims. Investigation of cyp11A1 gene influence on leaf fatty acid composition of canola. Methods. Gas chromatography of fatty acid metyl esters. Results. Qualitative fatty acid composition of transgenic leaves remained unchanged in comparison with the wild plants. There were no differences between cyp11A1 and initial canola in 16:0, 16:3, 18:2 and 18:3 acid content under appropriate temperature (+22°С). But palmitoleic acid content was lower by 31% in the control than in transgenic plants. Total lipid content was 27% lower in transgenic plants than in the control ones. Heat shock (+42°С) stress did not lead to the change in total lipids in cyp11A1 leaves and lowered it in initial plants by 31%. As a result of stress the content of palmitic (+19%), 16:3 (-33%) and linoleic (+24%) acids was changed in transgenic leaves. Initial plants reacted to the high temperature by increasing in palmitoleic (31%) and linoleic (24%) acids. Conclusions. The introduction of cyp11A1 gene in canola nuclear genome affected total lipid content by increasing up 25% and unsaturation index by decreasing 0,03% under heat.

Key words: transgenic canola, cyp11A1, gas chromatography, fatty acids