Интенсивность синтеза нуклеиновых кислот в цитоплазматических органеллах растений при гетерозисе и стимуляции ростовых процессов, вызываемых действием гидразидмалеиновой кислоты

  • A. D. Mamedova


Aims. The study of changes in the content of nucleic acids in the mitochondria and chloroplasts of heterotic plants and stimulation of growth processes by the influence of maleic hydrazide. Methods. Mitochondria and chloroplasts were isolated by the differential centrifugation. Nucleic acids content in the mitochondria and chloroplasts were determined by the method described in the works of V.G. Konareva and S.L. Tyutereva (1970). Results. High content of mitochondrial RNA and DNA, as well as DNA of chloroplasts was observed in the wheat hybrids in comparison with their parental species. Activation of growth processes under the concentration of maleic hydrazide was accompanied by the activation of RNA and DNA in mitochondria of rye and wheat. Conclusions. Heterosis and stimulation of growth processes by the maleic hydrazide are accompanied by the intensification of the genetic apparatus of mitochondria.

Key words: Heterosis, stimulation of growth processes, maleic acid hydrazide, cytoplasmic organelles, nucleic acids.