Скрининг геномных локусов, ассоциированных с гаметофитным апомиксисом у растений Boechera holboellii (семейство Brassicaceae)

  • G. A. Gerashchenkov Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт биохимии и генетики Уфимского научного центра РАН Россия, 450054, Уфа, проспект Октября, 71
  • N. A. Rozhnova Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт биохимии и генетики Уфимского научного центра РАН Россия, 450054, Уфа, проспект Октября, 71


Aims. Apomixis is the seeds-without-sex reproduction of floral plants at which germs in seeds arise from cells of maternal genotype without participation both genetic recombination and syngamy (fusion of male and female gametes). Nevertheless the genetic control of apomixis is not clear and speculative till now. The goal of work was to perform isolation and identification of genome loci associated with apomixis in Boechera plants. Methods. DNA sequencing was performed to convert SSAP markers to SCAR markers of apomixis. Southern hybridization experiments on the basis BamHI, EcoRI, Eco130I, HindIII, MvaI and PstI for the detection polymorphisms among apomixis and amphimixis genomes were used. Results. It has been completed plural independent sequencing of created SCAR markers of apomixis (all 4 probes). The similarity and homology of the markers with known DNA sequences were established. In Southern hybridization experiments among one apomixis and one amphimixis genotypes different genome marker fragments of apomixis were detected. Conclusions. The obtained results are the important precondition for the detection and identifications of the general genome fragments (genes) in a range from 1 up to 10 Kb at bulk samples of plant genomes with sexual and asexual reproduction in the following investigations.

Key words: Boechera holboellii, apomixis, molecular markers, DNA sequencing, Southern hybridization.