Использование модели t-комплексных домовых мышей (Mus musculus) для экологической биоиндикации

  • L. D. Safronova
  • V. G. Petrosyan
  • V. B. Sycheva


The arm was solved one of the problems of ecological genetics, using t-complex (t-haplotypes) model of house mice M. musculus. The methods are complementional analysis and cytogenetic analysis (EM microscopic synaptonemal complexses of spreading meiotic chromosome). The results and conclusions. The results of the comparative analysis of the frequencies t-haplotypes, house mouse, spreading in natural populations inRussia and neighboring countries, and specimens taken from the laboratory collection of t-complex mice belonging to Mammals Microevolution Laboratory of SIEE RAS. These results showed the factors that influence the frequency of t-haplotypes in wild populations of mice spreading in different ecological conditions and the study of t-haplotype frequencies in urban populations, also populations of mice exposed to radiation in the CHAS. These results will progress in addressing one of the most interesting and important problems in the biological indication of environmental conditions of the environment (ecological genetics).

Key words: t-complex model of Mus musculus, complementional analysis, cytogenetic analysis, ecological indication.