Використання діалельних схрещувань для селекційно-генетичної оцінки урожайності запилювачів цукрових буряків

  • M. O. Korneeva
  • O. V. Nenka


Aims. The aim of our study was to determine the combined ability of the studied pollinators and identify the genetic control of crop yield signs in interline hybrids of sugar beet. Methods. The source material was homozygous as a result self-pollination, reproduction and family about long breeding study conducted at the station. Results. Based on genetic analysis lines pollinators sugar beets found genetic control of crop yield, which is 14 genes (or groups of genes). Selected lines with high GCA (BZ 1 and BZ 4), which were characterized by significant additive effects of genes. Revealed reciprocal effects, the effects of the SCI, which greatly influenced the heterosis hybrids, their share of influence was respectively 36.4 and 23.8 %. Selected high-yielding hybrid combinations parental forms are propagated for their reproduction and transfer of environmental strain testing. Conclusions. Genetic control of crop yields factors was established basing on the diallel hybrids. The effect of combination ability of sugar beet pollinators for selecting parent pairs was defined and reciprocal effects were found out.

Key words: general combinational ability, specific combinational ability, inheritance.