Молекулярно-генетические эффекты дупликации генома у ржи (Secale cerealе L.)

  • I. S. Gordei
  • N. B. Belko
  • I. A. Gordei


Aims. Studying of the molecular-genetic effects of genome duplication in winter rye on cellular, protein and DNA levels. Methods. Cytologic analysis of the chromosome number, the microsporogenesis, karyotype analysis with use C-banding, electrophoresis of the storage proteins - secalins, PCR-analysis with random primers (RAPD). Results. Duplication of the chromosome number in winter rye accompanied by a significant infringements of the microsporogenesis process, changes in the spectrum of amplified DNA fragments and the spectra of species-specific proteins of seeds (secalins). Conclusions. Duplication of the genome in rye leads to multiple molecular genetic effects on cellular, protein and DNA levels, due to an infrigements of a balanced genetic system of meiosis control in diploid plants, gene expression changes in species-specific seed proteins and structural changes in DNA as a result of duplication.

Key words: winter rye, genome duplication, chromosomes, DNA, aneuploidy, meiosis, polymorphism, electrophoresis, PCR-analysis.