Застосуванням наноматеріалів у системі збереження біорізноманіття сільськогосподарських тварин України

  • S. I. Kovtun
  • O. V. Scherbak
  • P. A. Trotsky
  • T. V. Galitska
  • A. B. Zyuzyun


Aims. Examine the impact of 0.001 %-concentrated ultrafine silica (UFS 200ºC) on the viability and further development outside the organism of embryos, which were obtained from unfrozen gametes. Methods. Biotechnological, cryobiological, morphological, and methods of data statistical processing were used at research holding. Results. It was found that the use of UFS 200ºC of 0.001 % concentration as the component for in vitro cultivation medium causes an increase of obtained pig embryos number at 11.1 %, when compare with fertilization of pig gametes without nanomaterial use. Dynamics of formation of in vitro pig embryos and fragmentation index of embryos, which were obtained out of unfrozen oocytes after adding of nanomaterials were specified. Conclusions. It is proved that UFS 200ºC of 0.001 % concentration in the medium for in vitro cultivation of pig embryos, got out of unfrozen oocytes provides more efficient formation and development of embryos outside the organism. These approaches are part of the execution in the coming years of tasks of integrated scientific methodology, the state program of actions on animal-breeding biodiversity conservation and international documents, signed byUkraine.

Key words: nanomaterials, cryoconservation, vitrificating solution, maturation in vitro, embryos.