Оценка жизнеспособности геноплазмы плодовых культур после криосохранения в парах жидкого азота при – 183 - 185ºС

  • V. G. Verzhuk
  • A. V. Pavlov
  • O. A. Tikhonova
  • N. V. Borzhyh
  • D. S. Dorokhov


Aims: to study the ability storage of vegetative shoots and buds of fruit crops to withstand ultra-low temperature of the vapor-liquid nitrogen. Methods: cuttings dried up to the humidity of 28–35 %, frozen gradually to –49оС and placed in storage in pairs liquid nitrogen at –183–185оС. As a cryoprotectors used different concentration of glycerin and sucrose. The chemical composition of fruits determined by the protocols: [10]. Results: Cuttings currant, planted in the field, showed good viability: 60–90%. The viability of processed cryoprotectors buds was 69,6–72 %. The biochemical composition of fruits: the differences between the control and experience were insignificant. Conclusions: Results of the research showed that the cuttings and buds fruit crops after storage in liquid nitrogen remain viable at the level of 60–90 %.

Key words: large fruit, cryopreservation, cuttings of vegetative shoots, buds, cryoprotectors.