Bioinformatic study of keratinases from the S01 family from Streptomyces microflavus strain Dsm 40593

  • L. V. Polishchuk Zabolotny’ Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03143, Kyiv, Acad. Zabolotny str., 154
Keywords: serine protease, precurson, domain, streptomycete, sequence similarity


Aim. Determination and study of the primary structures and domain organization of keratinase precursors (serine proteases from the S01 family) of S. microflavus DSM 40593 using bioinformatic methods. Methods. In the research information presented in databases on the NCBI server was analyzed. Computerized sequence analysis was performed using the BLAST program on the NCBI server. Results. BLAST analysis of the genome sequence of the strain S. microflavus DSM 40593 was carried out using the sequence of the precursor AGK81825 as a query. Thanks to bioinformative analysis, seven genes encoding precursors of serine proteases from the S01 family were found in the genome of the strain S. microflavus DSM 40593. Conclusions. In the genomes of streptomycetes, there may be more than one gene encoding precursors of keratinases from the S01 family. It was established that the amino acid sequences of the enzymatic domains of keratinase precursors from the S01 family are characterized by higher similarity indices than the sequences of foldase domains.


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