Evolutionary potential and direction of evolution

Keywords: evolutionary potential, direction of evolution, adaptation, expediency


The article defines evolutionary potential as a reserve of resources (substrate, energy and information) of an evolving system and as something that can be «produced» by this system using available reserves under the influence of various factors. In relation to evolutionary processes, the evolutionary potential of the functioning (stability, tolerance) of the species and the evolutionary potential of its development are distinguished. From the point of view of the possibilities (potential) for a species to transition into a new form (new species), we should talk about pluripotent and unipotent (monopotent) species, which probably depends on the potential of the eco-niche occupied (or mastered) by the species. Polypotent species give rise to several species through divergence, and monopotent species are transformed into a new single species when the evolutionary branch does not split. The connection between evolutionary potential and evolutionary orientation is considered, which is proposed to be understood not only (and not so much) as the implementation of internal processes (mechanisms), but also as a consequence of the influence of external factors that adapt the organism “to itself.” The set of potential directions of variability may not contain the desired (adaptive) option. Attention is drawn to the fact that the element of chance to a certain extent neutralizes the nomogenetic character of evolution. On the other hand, the direction of evolution to a certain extent reduces evolutionary chaos, the success of which is most manifested in the cognitive evolution of Man.


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