Creation of breeding material of oil flax with high cold resistance by hybridization method
Aim. The aim of the study is to create a selection material of oilseed flax with high cold resistance by hybridization. Methods. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: simple (single and reciprocal) and complex (backcross, triple, four- and five-component step) crossing. Promising plants for cold tolerance donors were involved in the selection process. Creations of crossbreeding combinations were created on the basis of hypotheses of multiple gene action and heterosis. Results. The results of the study are the creation of hybrids of oilseed flax with high cold resistance. Conclusions. It was found that paired crosses were less effective compared to different types of complex. The formative process of complex crosses contributes to the increase of adaptive signs and properties to hypothermia. The best donor of cold resistance was the Sideral variety.
Key words: flax, cold resistance, hybridization, simple crosses, complex crosses.
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