The influence of foliar nutrition with urea in different phases of wheat development on grain protein content

  • I. M. Sheheda
  • N. V. Sandetska


Aim. The effect of foliar urea nutrition on grain yield, protein, total protein harvest, and nitrogen content in the grain per spike in winter wheat plants of different varieties was studied. Methods. In the field experiment plants of six different bread winter wheat varieties were fertilized with urea in different ways: 1) control; 2) foliar nutrition with urea at the end of anthesis with a dose of 7 kg N / ha; 3) foliar nutrition with urea in the phase of late milk development. Results. It was found that after nutrition in the first period the yield increased by 7-11%, while after nutrition in the second period it remained practically unchanged in comparison with the control. The applied dose of nitrogen did not have a significant effect on the protein content. Grain productivity increased without reducing protein content in this case, and there was no negative correlation between these indicators. As a result, grain protein content was significantly increased in all varieties. Natalka had the highest indicator, due to the best combination of protein content and yield. The calculations of the increase in nitrogen content in the grain per spike at the end of anthesis showed that it was significantly higher than the out-of-root dose. Conclusions. Thus, it has been shown that foliar nutrition of wheat with urea at the end of anthesis is advisable for increase of protein harvest with the crop. This measure stimulates the functional activity of plants, promotes efficiency of nitrogen utilization.

Keywords: nitrogen, grain protein, yield, winter wheat, foliar nutrition.


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