Lexical problems of genetic and breeding terminology in agricultural science and education

  • A. I. Opalko
  • O. A. Opalko


Aim. The need to improve the genetic and breeding terminology, in particular its lexicographic components as well as the necessity to more precise definition of certain indirect terminological borrowing were causes our research. Methods. In the process of preparation of materials of terminological dictionaries, textbooks and manuals, as well as scientific works on general genetics and plant breeding published in various years were analyzed and colligated. The peculiarities of the certain terms use were investigated by methods of theoretical analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature, in consideration of the methodical aspects of component analysis. Results. The phenomenon of different terms using for the definition of the same concepts, confuse definitions and spelling errors of a number of terms and incorrect synonymy, Russism and other common mistakes occur found in Ukrainian scientific, methodological and educational publications are analyzed. The negative consequences of an incorrect translation of thesis summaries and scientific articles abstracts into English are noted. Conclusions. The linguistic and terminological expertise must be carried out in order to unify of the genetic and breeding terminology and more precise definition of certain indirect terminological borrowing. The efforts of geneticists, breeders and linguists should combine for preparing modern Academy explaining dictionary.

Keywords: backcross, dihaploid, nutrient medium, reciprocal crosses, inbreeding, progeny.


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