Genetic profiling of bacteria belongs to genus Pseudomonas, what affects legumes

  • L. A. Dankevich


Aim. For the purpose of correct inter species identification and estimation of group’s heterogeneity, the genome fingerprinting of isolated by us and collection "Pseudomonas lupini" strains as well as typical representative of genus, affecting legumes, has been carried out. Methods. In the course of research, microbiological, molecular genetic (REP-PCR) methods and method of molecular phylogenetics (UPGMA) were used. Results. The genetic heterogeneity of isolated and collections "Pseudomonas lupini" strains has been estimated. A relationship between isolated and collections "Pseudomonas lupini" strains with the typical Pseudomonas syringae strains, affecting legumes, for BOX, REP and ERIC profiles has been determined. Conclusions. BOX, ERIC and REP-profiling of the genome of the agent of lupines’ brown spottiness revealed significant genetic heterogeneity of its population (from 20 to 50 % of heterogeneity) and close similarity of this pathogen to representatives of the species Pseudomonas syringae.
: identification, genetic heterogeneity, REP-PCR, causative agent of lupines’ brown spottiness.


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