Особливості розподілу та частота KIR-генів у жінок із регулярними ранніми репродуктивними втратами

  • О. І. Терпиляк
  • Д. В. Заставна
  • Н. В. Гельнер
  • С. В. Осідач


Aim. KIR (killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors) are the transmembranous glycoprotein receptors, role of which is to activate or inhibit the functional activity of cells, the surfaces of which they are located on. Genetically determined balance between KIR-activating and KIR-inhibiting receptors can contribute to some diseases predisposition. In this work we have studied the spectrum and frequency of KIR-genes among women with regular early idiopathic reproductive failures. Methods. Gene typing was conducted by PCR-SSP method. Results. Typing of KIR-genes was conducted in 31 DNA samples, extracted from peripheral blood cells from women without reproductive losses and in 38 DNA samples, extracted from peripheral blood cells from women with early reproductive losses of idiopathic nature. We found, that in women with reproductive failures genotypes of KIR-genes were characterized by decreased amount of activating genes. The presence of 2DL3 and 2DL5 genes increases the risk of early reproductive failures in 2 and 3 times, respectively. Conclusions. The shift of repertoire of KIR-genes into the domination of inhibitory genes and the spectrum features of KIR-genes can increase the risk of early reproductive failures.

Keywords: KIR-genes, recurrent pregnancy loss, PCR-SSP.


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