Генетичне профілювання патогенних для яблуні штамів Erwinia sp.

  • Л. А. Данкевич


Aim. It is known, that significant damage to pome fruit causing representatives of phylogenetically closely related species Erwinia amylovora, E. pyrifoliae, E. piriflorinigrans, E. uzenensis. That is why, for their correct identification using molecular genetic techniques, including REP-PCR, which can not only correctly identify the pathogen, and evaluate the heterogeneity of its population. In this regard, the aim of our research was genome fingerprinting of isolated strains and typical Erwinia amylovora UCM B 1095Т strain, using REP-PCR, for their correct taxonomy at the species level. Methods. Genetic profiling of isolated Erwinia sp. strains and the typical Erwinia amylovora B 1095T strain carried out by REP-PCR. Results. As a result of REP-PCR analysis revealed a significant relationship of isolated Erwinia sp. strains and the typical Erwinia amylovora UCM B 1095T strain. Conclusions. As a result, BOX, REP and ERIC profiling set low genetic heterogeneity of isolated Erwinia sp. strains and their great affinity with the typical Erwinia amylovora UCM B 1095T strain.

Keywords: REP-PCR, isolated Erwinia sp. strains, Erwinia amylovora, pome fruit culture.


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