Оцінка жирномолочності корів різних генетичних груп на основі симентальської породи

  • З. В. Ємець
  • С. С. Хруцький
  • С. А. Баско


Aim. The “genetic group” was used as one of the genetic factors and as a result the genetic and mathematical analysis of fat content on cow’s milk and the output of milk fat depending on the origin of genetic groups simmental breed on the farms, mainly in Kharkiv region have been carried out. Methods. Studies were performed on materials pedigree registered in Kharkiv region agribusinesses and farms in research Institute of Animal NAAN of Ukraine, cows of different genetic groups created on the basis of Simmental. Variability, heritability and repeatability milk yield of cows and output of milk fat was determined on the basis of the relevant factors for the methods M.A. Plohinskoho (1969) using a personal computer. Results. According to the research the highest fat content in the milk of cows observed in hybrids C1 / 4 + G1 / 4 + M1 / 2 (4.01 %) and C1 / 4 + G1 / 4 + A1 / 2 (3.99 %). The high fat content are also hybrids C1 / 4 + M3 / 4 (3.96 %), C1 / 4 + M1 / 4 + A1 / 2 (3.95 %), C1 / 4 + A1 / 4 + G1 / 2 (3.94 %), C1 / 4 + A1 / 4 + M1 / 2 (3.92 %), C1 / 4 + A3 / 4 (3.92 %). The lowest content of milk fat with dvuporodni hybrids Simmental Holstein with C1 / 4 + G3 / 4 (3.82 %) and C1 / 2 + G1 / 2 (3.86 %). Conclusions. Factor "genetic group" based on a credible Simmental (P>0,999) effect on the fat content in the milk of cows (ç2=0,029). The degree of influence of this factor on the yield of milk fat is (ç2=0,049) with a high degree of reliability (P>0,999).

Keywords: Simmental, breed, “genetic group”, factors, milk, fat, yield, cow’s.


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