М’ясна продуктивність і міжпородний поліморфізм кролів вітчизняної та зарубіжної селекції

  • О. В. Бойко
  • О. Ф. Гончар
  • О. М. Гавриш
  • Є. А. Шевченко


Aim. Clarification of waste polymorphism of different breeds of rabbits and their meat productivity in modern rabbit farm. Methods. Livestock combined with ISSR-analysis of genetic diversity that characterize populations of rabbits of different breeds. Results. Indicators meat productivity rabbit populations studied species differ rates and average daily live weight increments have specialized meat breed versus combined. In addition, the results of ISSR-analysis of three populations of rabbits in Cherkassy region showed relatively high levels of genetic diversity of species. Conclusions. High performance speakers live weight of young rabbits New Zealand and Californian species can be explained lengthy selection process in the areas of high-intensity growth animals breed Poltava silver combinations breed. Genetic studies found that populations are characterized by a sufficient level of polymorphism. The proportion of waste for GST genetic diversity ISSR-marker (ACC) 6G was 72.4 % and for (AG) 9C and (GA) 9C was lower by 33.7 % and 27.8 % respectively. The highest population diversity DST turned on (ACC) 6G ISSR-marker, and the lowest – (AG) 9C.

Keywords: breed rabbits, live weight, the study population, ISSR-markers.


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