Багатоквіткові форми сої з довгим суцвіттям – важливе джерело селекції на підвищення насіннєвої продуктивності

  • О. З. Щербина
  • В. Г. Михайлов
  • О. О. Тимошенко


Aim. The detailed research of plant-breeding value of the synthesized multiflorous forms with long inflorescence. Methods. The field and laboratory experiments for study of quantitative signs of varieties and hybrids with the statistical processing of data. Results. Synthesized multiflorous forms of soybean were characterized by greater duration of period of vegetation (135–150 days) and high of plants (100–160 cm). On the signs of inflorescence multiflorous forms were distinguished from existent varieties by the amount of flowers in inflorescence – from 9.2 to 32.8 (at plant-breeding varieties – 2.6–5.0), long inflorescence – to 18.6 and more cm (at plant-breeding varieties are 0.3 cm to 1.8 cm). These forms were characterized by the greater amount of pods and seed from a plant, by mass of seed from a plant, and also by the greater amount of knots, amount of branches of first-order than plant-breeding varieties and numbers. The hybrids of first generation by the productivity considerably exceeded both paternal forms. Mass of seed from a plant changed from a 32.00 g to 60.61 g. On duration of period of vegetation the hybrids of first generation were inter-mediate between paternal forms. Conclusions. Multiflorous forms of soybean with long inflorescens are important source of breeding work on increase of seed productivity.

Keywords: soybean, multiflorous inflorescence, long inflorescence, varieties, hybrids.


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