Генетичний аналіз успадкування жирних кислот соняшнику (Helianthus annuus L.)

  • Я. Ю. Шарипіна
  • В. М. Попов
  • В. В. Кириченко


Aim. The definition of some peculiarities of inheritance of fatty acid content in the seed oil of the source material and the creation of sunflower lines and hybrids with improved quality of oil composition and economic traits’ complex is an important issue. Methods. The genetic control of palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic fatty acids of sunflower with the use of the joint scaling test (the test Cavalli) has been studied. To establish the type of genes’ interaction the model with 3 and 6 genetic parameters is applied and for their estimation in the analysis there are involved the average data of traits on 6 generations. Results. It has been shown that the additive-dominant model has not proved to be true in case of fatty acids inheritance. It was possible to reveal an interaction between genes by duplicate epistasis type for palmitic and oleic acids, complementary epistasis type – for linoleic acid. The interaction type was not possible to establish as some model parameters have insufficient resolving power for stearic acid. Conclusions. Discovered differently directed effect of genes, which leads to increase or decrease the phenotypic manifestation of traits. Therefore it is possible the selection of optimal breeding pairs to create sunflower hybrids with different fatty acid composition of the oil.

Keywords: Helianthus annuus L., test Cavalli, inheritance, fatty acids.


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