Физиолого-генетическая регуляция скорости начального развития ячменей осеннего срока сева

  • А. Ф. Стельмах
  • А. А. Линчевский
  • В. И. Файт


Aim. Cultivars of facultative and winter barley are planted at sowing in the fall. Evaluations of their photoreaction and vernalization requirement were conducted in the breeding stocks of the Institute to understand their adaptation to winter freezing. Methods. The trait levels were valued by heading date differences at planting in natural and short photoperiods after preliminary artificial seedling vernalization of various durations. Results. Facultative stocks showed only the strong photosensitivity without any requirement in vernalization whereas winter ones revealed significant vernalization requirement followed by photoreaction of various levels. In spite of the negative correlation of studied traits in the total set, it was positive significantly in the winter set as such. Conclusions. To breed winter barley stocks of strong photo-sensitivity is really possible by combining certain alleles of Vrn(=Sh) and Ppd gene systems. However, their effects on the final productivity at planting in the certain zones with specific environmental limits need additional investigations. And molecular marking and identification of these alleles require additional discussion to form a clear view of molecular variety coincidence with phenomenological effects of concrete alleles.

Keywords: facultative and winter barley, genetic systems, photosensitivity, vernalization requirement, adaptation.


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