Порівняння груп сортів Triticum aestivum L. Степу і Лісостепу України за маркерами господарчо-важливих генів

  • І. О. Созінов
  • Н. О. Козуб
  • А. В. Карелов
  • Л. А. Пилипенко
  • Г. Я. Бідник
  • Н. О. Дем’янова
  • Я. Б. Блюм
  • О. О. Созінов


Aim. The aim of the study was to compare diversity of groups of winter common wheat varieties of the Steppe and the Central Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by storage protein loci and some disease resistance genes and to reveal peculiarities of varieties released after 1995. Methods. SDS and APAG electrophoresis was used to identify genotypes at the Glu-1, Gli-1, and some minor gliadin loci. PCR analysis was employed to study alleles of the disease resistance genes Lr34/Yr18/Pm38/Sr57/Bdv1, Tsn1, Tsc2, TDF_076_2D, and Cre-8. Results. Significant differences in frequencies of alleles at most marker loci were revealed. Nonrandom associations between disease resistance gene alleles as well as storage protein alleles were detected. Conclusions. The retention of a set of predominant alleles of a certain zone in different periods of breeding was confirmed. The appearance of new allele associations in the groups of varieties of the Steppe (in particular Gli-A1g and Glu-B1al) and the Central Forest-Steppe (1AL/1RS and Glu-B1d) in the last two decades was noted.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., varieties, storage proteins, resistance genes, alleles.


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