Биотехнология получения регенерантов Oxytropis baschkirensis Knjasev в эмбриокультуре in vitro

  • A. E. Kruglova
  • N. N. Kruglova


Aims. Oxytropis baschkirensis is one of the rare plants at the South Ural flora. The aim of investigation is the elaboration of main biotechnological stages to obtain the regenerants by the embryo culture in vitro. Methods. Cyto-histological investigation of development of embryo. Discovery of the optimal embryogenesis stage for the inoculation to the medium in vitro. Choosing the optimal ingredients of the medium and the cultural conditions in vitro to the stably obtaining of regenerants with developed roots. Choosing the conditions for the growing of regenerants on the soil substrate. Obtaining the plantlets. Results. The main stages of biotechnology for obtaining of regenerates by the embryo culture in vitro have developed. The success of culture in vitro is completely determined by the stage of embryogenesis of the inoculated embryo. Conclusions. The biotechnology of obtaining of regenerants by the embryo culture in vitro has made at the first time. Such biotechnology should stably and valid obtaining the regenerants following the outline: one embryo – one regenerant.

Key words: Oxytropis baschkirensis, biotechnology, embryo culture in vitro.