Кореляційний і шляховий аналіз урожайності сортів ячменю ярого (Hordeum vulgare L.)

  • М. Р. Козаченко
  • К. В. Компанець
  • С. І. Святченко


Aim. The aim of research was to determine pair correlation and path coefficients of traits and to identify on their basis contributions of different quantitative traits in the main feature – ‘grain yield. Methods. Eleven 11 spring barley varieties were investigated: ‘Dzherelo’, ‘Zvershennia’, ‘Etyket’, ‘Badioryy’, ‘Vzirets’, ‘Hranal’, ‘Modern’, ‘Vitrazh’, ‘Pasadena’, ‘Tolar’, and ‘Maliovnychyy’. We analyzed 50 plants of each variety for 11 quantitative traits. The pair correlation coefficients between quantitative traits were calculated by the BA Dospehov method; path analysis was conducted as AI Sedlovskiy et al described by the S. Wright method. Results. Path analysis revealed that the correlation between plant traits and yield depended both on direct and on indirect effects of each trait on the yield capacity. We established causes of varying correlations between yield and other plant traits. Conclusions. Different pair correlations between yield and plant traits were found. Path analysis of the yield capacity demonstrated that the correlation values between the yield and 11 quantitative traits ambivalently depended both on direct and indirect effects of a trait on the yield and on indirect effects of other traits. The direct effect of a trait on the yield does not always unambiguously affect the pair correlation coefficient. The following traits were of the greatest breeding value: lodging resistance and grain weight/straw weight ratio.

Keywords: spring barley, varieties, yield and trait, correlation coefficient, path analysis.


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