Мутагенный эффект фосфемида на клеточном и организменном уровнях

  • Л. И. Вайсфельд
  • Н. А. Боме


Aim. Study of cytogenetic effect of phosphemid on the fibroblast human and mice. Application of phosphemid for inducing mutagenesis wheat. Methods. We studied the cytogenetic effect of a alkylating agent, named phosphemide – di-(etilenimid)pyrimidyl-2-amidophosphoric acid, in cultured human fibroblasts and mouse and in seedlings plant Crepis capillaris. Besides we studied the seeds, seedlings and plants of spring and winter wheat. Results. We have shown that phosphemid inhibits mitotic cell division and it induces many aberrations in chromosomes. At plants of spring and winter wheat it was be shown, that a mutagen phosphemid was induced a wide range new characters, and among them were a number of useful characters for selection. Conclusions. It is proposed the use of a new chemical mutagen named phosphemid in order for obtaining a wide variety of crops and for creation new varieties.
Keywords: chemical mutagenesis, cytogenetics, wheat, plant selection, fibroblasts, Crepis capillaris (L.) Wallr.


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