Аналіз рівнів експресії генів альфа-тубуліну Triticum aestivum у озимого сорту Деметра під впливом низьких температур

  • Д. Д. Буй
  • А. Є. Демкович
  • Я. В. Пірко
  • Я. Б. Блюм


Aim. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) display significant increase in freezing tolerance during a period of cold acclimation (CA). Functions and regulations unraveling of CA-associated genes can help in cold-resistant cultivars receiving using biotechnology methods. Cytoskeleton reorganization is an important element of the cold resistance mechanism associated with tubulin expression level alterations. Methods. Cold acclimation during 28 days was carried out. The expression level of 15 members of alpha-tubulin genes was measured using RT Real-time PCR with specific primers. Results. Similar patterns of expression alterations were observed within subfamilies. The highest levels of expression were recorded for the fourth subfamily members (Tuba_4-1, 4-2, 4-3) and Tuba_2-3 gene. These 4 alpha-tubulin genes may be involved in the vital functions maintenance during the first days of the low temperature influence. Conclusions. It is likely that four of the fifteen genes are related to cold tolerance mechanisms since they have significantly higher expression levels during cold acclimation.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum, winter wheat, tubulin, cold acclimation.


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