Порівняльна оцінка продуктивного потенціалу та жирнокислотного складу олії з насіння ярої та озимої суріпиці як перспективної енергетичної сировини для виробництва компонентів дизельного біопалива

  • Р. Я. Блюм
  • Г. В. Лантух
  • А. І. Ємець
  • С. О. Рахметова
  • Д. Б. Рахметов
  • Я. Б. Блюм


Aim. Main aim of this research was a comparison of fatty acid composition for seed oils from of turnip rape breeding forms and varieties produced in M.M. Gryshko Natl. Botanical Garden of Natl. Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Methods. Biochemical analysis of oil content as well as chromatographic analysis of fatty acid composition of mentioned above turnip rape genotypes were conducted out. Results. Oil content in seeds of spring (Brassica campestris f. annua D.C.) and winter (B. campestris f. biennis D.C.) turnip rape forms and varieties was determined. The highest oil content was indicated for winter variety Oriana – 38.1 %. Basing on chromatographic analysis indicated two types of fatty acid composition: high-erucic with content of 22:1 fatty acid up to 42.8 % and high-oleic with content of 18:1 fatty acid up to 46.92 %. Conclusions. Taking in account results of chromatographic analysis and agronomic productivity the best genotypes for biodiesel production were identified: winter variety Oriana and spring form EOSYaF-1. Chosen genotypes could be used for production of two different types of this biofuel – “light” and “heavy”, – according to difference in fatty acid composition.
Keywords: Brassicaceae, turnip rape, spring varieties, winter vatieties, oil, fatty acids, composition, biodiesel.


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