Формування мікробульб картоплі в культурі in vitro залежно від температури та інтенсивності освітленості

  • Ю. О. Лавриненко
  • Г. С. Балашова
  • В. В. Базалій


Aim. To specify optimal techniques influencing the increase of intensity of potato tuber formation in meristem culture in vitro. Methods. Integrated use of laboratory, mathematical and statistical, calculation and comparison methods and the method of systematic analysis. Results. The paper represents experimental data about the influence of temperature and light intensity on the induction of tuber formation under microclonal reproduction of the health-improved initial material. It proves that the decisive factor in the process of morphogenesis of plants in vitro of the early maturing potato variety Kobza and their productivity is temperature conditions for cultivation. Conclusions. Optimal indexes of productivity and economic efficiency are maintained by growing test-tube plants under the temperature of cultivation of 14–16ºС and the light intensity of 3000 lux. The number of microtubers per plant was 1.2 pieces, the weight of an average microtuber was 262.0 mg, the weight of microtubers per plant was 363.7 mg, the number of microtubers weighing more than 350.0 mg was 20.9 %; the cost price of microtubers was 5.31 UAH with the profitability of 201 %.

Keywords: potato, microtubers, temperature mode, light intensity, in vitro.


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