Приховані ризики розповсюдження вселенців-ефемерофітів у аграрних біотопах України

  • Р. І. Бурда Institute for Evolutionary of Ecology, Nat. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, Ukraine, 03143, Kyiv, Acad. Lebedeva str., 37


Aim. This is a critical analysis of the list of alien species of unstable part of flora – ephemerophytes, and colonophytes of the agrarian habitats of the flatland part of Ukraine, and identify possible changes of biodiversity, that promote this alien species of vascular plants. Methods. The floristic comparative method was used. The ephemerophytes and colonophytes – alien species, which have not population else in the agrarian habitats, was studied. Results. The list of alien species of unstable part of flora – ephemerophytes, and colonophytes of the agrarian habitats comprises 296 species, 10 subspecies, 10 hybrids of vascular plants from 204 genera and 58 families. The comprehensive analysis revealed the following features in the structure of the alien fraction of flora: annual monocarp herbs (162 species, 51 %), eukenophytes (239 species, 75 %) and ergasiophytes (288 species, 91 %), prevail among them. Conclusions. The main vectors of penetration of alien species are certain: from a culture. The main number of species occupied into agrarian habitats with the intensive annual care of cereal crops fields, inter tilled crops fields, perennial herbs fields and habitats of rural settlements also. The hidden threats of rich and various on a structure unstable element of spontaneous flora of agrarian habitats are discussed.

Keywords: alien species, ephemerophyte, agrarian habitat, Ukraine.


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