Рослини Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv. з різним числом хромосом в умовах вирощування in vitro. Зв’язок розміру геному та двох показників пристосовуваності
Aim. We have researched probabilistic relations between genome size and two adaptability indices in eleven genotypes revealed in seeds germ of Deschampsia antarctica E. Desv. which has different genome size under standardized cultivation condition in vitro. Methods. We have used biochemical method for determination of flavonoid contents in plant leaves and flow cytometry analysis for determination of genome size in plant leaves. Results. Eleven genotypes of Deschampsia antarctica with different genome size have been researched by three data rows. Probabilistic scheme have been created and analyzed for all researched genotypes. Conclusions. The Deschampsia antarctica genome size or karyotype changes have been shown to have effect on its probabilistic relations with flavonoids content and leaf length. Mechanisms of such relations is required a detailed research.
Keywords: Deschampsia antarctica, genome size, leaf length, flavonoids.
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