Antioxidant activity in Brassica napus L. plants expressing lox-dependent BAR gene

  • L. O. Sakhno SI “Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics» NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, 04123, Kyiv, Osipovskogo str., 2A
  • K. V. Lystvan Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine, DSP-22, 03680, Kyiv, Zabolotnogo str., 148


Aim. The study of possible unintended biochemical peculiarities of newly obtained herbicide-resistant canola (Brassica napus L.) plants expressing the lox-dependent BAR gene was the aim. Methods. Total soluble protein content, total free radical scavenging activity, and superoxide dismutase activity have been investigated using Bradford’s, DPPH, and nitroblue tetrazolium assays, respectively. Fresh weight of plants grown on media with or without phosphinothricin was also measured. Results. The antioxidant activity of leaf extracts of untransformed plants under in vitro growth condi-tions had no significant differences in comparison with ones of phospinothricin-resistant plants in the third generation. No significant changes in parameters investigated were observed in transgenic plants cultivated on media with herbicide addition compared to ones grown on media without it. Fresh weight and total soluble protein content were similar in transgenic and untransformed canola plants under growth without phosphinothricin. Conclusions. Lox-dependent BAR gene introduction and expression resulted in no significant differences in leaf antioxidant activity in transgenic canola plants comparing to untransformed controls.
Keywords: Brassica napus, antioxidant activity, DPPH, glufosinate, superoxide dismutase.


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