Влияние 5-аминолевулиновой кислоты на ростовые процесы и гормональный баланс ювенильных растений Сalendula officinalis L.

  • С. Н. Шиш Central Botanical Gardens, NAS of Belarus, Belarus, 220012, Minsk, Surganova str., 2v
  • А. Г. Шутова Central Botanical Gardens, NAS of Belarus, Belarus, 220012, Minsk, Surganova str., 2v
  • Ж. Э. Мазец Belarusian State Pedagogical University named M. Tank, Belarus, 220050, Minsk, Sovetskaya str., 18


Aim. To study the influence of micro- and nanoconcrete of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) on the growth processes and hormonal balance juvenile plants of Calendula officinalis L. Methods. Object of study C. officinalis variety 'Machroviy 2000'. The experiment has been carried out on 7th and 14th day seedlings. For seed treatment by ALK has been used four concentrations (%): 1) 10-6 (ALA 1); 2) 10-7 (ALA 2); 3) 10-9 (ALA 3); 4) 10-11 (ALA 4). The treatment has been performed by seed soaking method. Quantification of free phytohormones: indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatinriboside (ZR) were determined in the aboveground parts 7th and 14th day seedlings using an enzyme immunoassay method (EIA). Results. The treatment by ALA increased the rate of germination and stimulated growth processes. The best results have been seen in the case of ALA 1 and ALA 4, led to a shift in the balance of phytohormones, especially IAA and ZR. Conclusions. The treatment by ALA changed the ratio IAA/ZR. It resulted in an increase of IAA synthesis at the beginning of growth (at 7th day), and then ZR (on 14th day). It stimulated the growth of roots in length on 7th day and the increase of the seedlings weight on 14th day.

Keywords: 5-aminolevulinic acid, growth processes, hormonal balance, indolyl-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid, zeatinriboside, Calendula officinalis L.


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