Влияние цитомиксиса на ход микроспорогенеза и образование нередуцированных пыльцевых зерен у однодольных

  • Е. А. Кравец ГУ «Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики НАН Украины», Украина, 04123, г. Киев, ул. Осиповского, 2а
  • С. Г. Плоховская ГУ «Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики НАН Украины», Украина, 04123, г. Киев, ул. Осиповского, 2а
  • И. И. Горюнова ГУ «Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики НАН Украины», Украина, 04123, г. Киев, ул. Осиповского, 2а
  • А. И. Емец ГУ «Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики НАН Украины», Украина, 04123, г. Киев, ул. Осиповского, 2а
  • Я. Б. Блюм ГУ «Институт пищевой биотехнологии и геномики НАН Украины», Украина, 04123, г. Киев, ул. Осиповского, 2а


Aim. Despite significant progress in the investigation of cytomixis its functional role and effect on the course of meiosis as well as mechanisms of 2n pollen grains formation is still not completely clear. We have studied the destination of cytomictic chromatin as well the mechanisms of unreduced microspores formation in species of monocots with spontaneous cytomixis. Methods. Light and fluorescent microscopy. Results. The cytomictic chromatin forms additional meiotic chromosomes in the recipient microsporocytes. Many of these meiotic chromosomes undergo rearrangement and fragmentation but retain their bivalent organization. Conclusions. Cytogenetic anomalies of microsporogenesis caused by activation of cytomixis in prophase may reflect meiosis stabilization mechanisms by assimilation and adaptation or diminution and reutilization of the introduced DNA. The main mechanism of polyploidization of microsporocytes and pollen grains in studied monocots is the restitution of the first meiotic division via the formation of a meta-anaphase 1 block.
Keywords: cytomixis, microsporogenesis, additional (recipient) chromosomes, meta-anaphase 1 block, Lilium croceum Chaix., Allium сера L., Allium fistulosum L.


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