Біоінформатичний аналіз потенційних ALS/AHAS-білків моркви (Daucus carota)

  • А. В. Сидоров
  • В. Ю. Крат
  • В. А. Смірнова
  • Я. Ф. Парій
  • Ю. В. Симоненко
  • М. Ф. Парій


Aim. One of the main challenges in plant breeding is creating of herbicide resistant cultivars and hybrids. Carrot is a very useful model plant for optimization of new plant breeding methods to create ALS-inhibitor-resistant plants due to its regeneration rate and well developed methods of in vitro cultivation. Methods. Using Vector NTI software and NCBI online resources we have analyzed two ALS-candidates genes of carrot. Results. We found high similarity of carrot ALS-candidates with another known ALS genes from other plant species. Using online resource «Phylogeny.fr» we obtained phylogenetic trees for nucleotide and amino acid sequences of ALS genes and their predicted proteins. Conclusions. Both carrot ALS-candidates have all 8 cites, point mutations in which causes ALS-inhibitor resistance in other plants, so the same mutations in carrot could result in herbicide resistance.

Keywords: Daucus carota, acetolactate synthase, mutations, herbicide resistance.