Вплив умов вирощування донорних рослин та складу живильного середовища на ефективність отримання гаплоїдів ріпаку ярого в культурі пиляків in vitro

  • O. V. Bilynska


Aims. Donor plant growth conditions and nutrient medium composition together with genotype are known to be the decisive factors for determination of anther culture in vitro responsibility of different species. Investigations aimed to study a possibility of donor plant growth in summer/autumn period instead of traditional for spring rapeseed spring/summer one and to improve an induction medium for anther culture in vitro.
Methods. Plants of spring rapeseed cv. Arion were grown in a plot (two sowing dates) and in a greenhouse. Aseptic anther culture was obtained according to standard procedure with some modifications. Isolated anthers were cultivated on five media differed by mineral salt, auxin and sugar content. Results. It was revealed that anthers isolated from plants growing during summer/autumn period in a field and then transferred to a greenhouse had the highest level of  direct embryogenesis and plant regeneration. Nutrient medium containing B5 macro- and micronutrients, 0,1 mg/l 2,4-D, 0,1 mg/l NAA, 100 g/L sucrose was appeared to be the best for spring rapeseed cv. Arion anther culture in vitro. Conclusions. The data indicate the advantages of donor plants growing in a moderate temperature regime in comparison with a high temperature one and a medium with a low level of auxins.

Key words: Brassica napus L., anther culture in vitro, plant growth conditions, nutrient media.