Влияние редкоионизирующего излучения на биохимический статус регенерантов Digitalis purpurea L. в культуре in vitro

  • Л. Г. Лешина
  • О. В. Булко
  • С. В. Литвинов
  • С. А. Пчеловская
  • Д. А. Соколова
  • А. Н. Берестяная
  • Л. В. Тонкаль
  • А. Г. Саливон


Aim. Digitalis purpurea L. is the source of a number of biologically active substances used for medical purposes. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-transformed plants show changes in secondary metabolism. Influence of acute exposure to ionizing radiation on modification of the pigment system and accumulation of flavonoids in regenerants in vitro was studied. Methods. Spectrophotometric measurement of chlorophyll, carotenoid and flavonoid content in extracts from plants, have been irradiated at dose interval 1-20 Gy X-rays, combined with calculation of water-content index in shoots and mitotic index of root apical meristem, were performed. Results. Nonlinear dose dependence of acute X-rays irradiation influence on in vitro D. purpurea has been shown. Transformed plants were found to be more resistant to the damaging effects of radiation. Conclusions. Exposure to ionizing radiation in a certain dose interval can be used to stimulate the accumulation of biologically active substances of in vitro D. purpurea.

Keywords: Digitalis purpurea L., Ri-transformants, ionizing radiation, pigment, flavonoid.