Фізіолого-біохімічна характеристика рослин Nicotiana tabacum, що несуть гени Δ9 та Δ12-ацил-ліпідних десатураз ціанобактерій вирощених in vivo в умовах заморозків

  • Т. М. Кирпа-Несміян


Aim. Plant resistance to cold depends on the composition of membrane lipids. Desaturases are enzymes that form double bonds in fatty acids and convert saturated fatty acids into unsaturated. Methods. The paper used the plant Nicotiana tabacum, which carry genes Δ9- and Δ12-acyl of lipid desaturases from cyanobacteria, which were obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. These plants are transferred to soil and exposed to low temperatures. After this, activity of superoxide dismutase, levels of malondialdehyde and electrolytes and performance of reporter gene expression by protein were measured. The control wild-type Nicotiana tabacum plant and Nicotiana tabacum expressed to gfp: licBM3 were used in the experiment. Results. It was found that tobacco plants had been less damaged compared to the control ones. Conclusions. Growing plants Nicotiana tabacum, in soil affects neither desaturases gene expression nor their resistance to cold stress.
Keywords: acyl-lipid desaturases, superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde, electrolytes, lichenase.