Вплив ізатізону і наносрібла на вміст фотосинтетичних пігментів у вівса сорту Незламний в першому та другому поколіннях після обробки

  • В. А. Кацан
  • А. І. Потопальський
  • Л. Н. Юркевич


Aim. The aim of this study is the investigations of chlorophylls (chl) and carotenoids content in the oat leaves over 2 generations after treatment by the preparations Izatizone (Iz), Izatitony (It; Iz+etony) and the nanosilver SS1000 (S). Methods. The oat seeds were treated by the preparations, DMSO (D) and PEG 400 (P), to be the constituents of Iz. The plants were grown on the land; chl a and b and carotenoids content was determined from leaf discs after the cold extraction in acetone followed by spectrophotometry. Results. It is found the increase of chl a/b ratio conditioned by Iz, S+D+P and S+D in the 1 generation. The negative influence of D; P and D+Р on chl a and b content was revealed in the 2 generation; the increase of chl a portion depended on D+Р, S+P, S+D+P; the increase of chl b portion – on Iz and P. Conclusions. Izatison and its constituents DMSO and PEG 400 caused the changes of the chl a/b ratio, those had been observed over 2 generations after treatment.  

Keywords: Izatison, nanosilver, chlorophylls, carotenoids, chlorophyll a/b ratio.