Неинвазивное получение клеток из урины человека в целях регенеративной медицины

  • С. Е. Дромашко
  • Н. А. Балашенко
  • С. Н. Шевцова
  • Я. И. Шейко


Aim. The article deals with development of non-invasive technology of receiving and analyzing cells from human urine. Methods. There are methods of isolation, purification, reproduction, and cultivation of urine cell cultures, as well as their analysis with a computer video microscopy. Results. The conditions for obtaining clonogenic cells from human urine were achieved, and appropriate technology was developed. It was found that the most suitable material for the production of viable cells from human urine is the urine of pregnant women. Proliferative capacity of isolated cells was assessed with the method of computer video microscopy. It was shown that cells derived from urine were aging after 2-week cultivation, and therefore not prone to immortalization i.e. suitable for use in research for regenerative medicine. Conclusions. Non-immortal cell culture from human urine is obtained. The most effective way to prevent bacterial contamination of the urine cells is determined. The prospects of intensification of research through video-computer complex "Tsitomir" are shown.

Keywords: cell culture, computer video microscopy, human urine, non-immortal cell culture, regenerative medicine.