IRAP-аналіз рослин-регенерантів тритикале, стійких до водного дефіциту

  • А. В. Бавол
  • Л. С. Великожон
  • С. М. Пикало
  • О. В. Дубровна


Aim. The analysis of DNA polymorphism in loci, flanked by inverted repeats of LTR retrotransposons in plants-regenerants of triticale, obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to water deficite. Methods. IRAP-PCR of triticale genome DNA for identification of polymorphism. Results. We have identified DNA deletions and/or point mutations in the LTR loci at the using of primers Su, Wh and Wi1 in regenerants of triticale, obtained by in vitro selection for resistance to water deficite. We experimentally selected the pair of IRAP-primers in order to detect polymorphic amplicons. The emergence of new amplicons in spectra of PCR products in plants-regenerants at the using a pair of primers Su/Ni was shown. Conclusions. The observed genetic polymorphisms may be indicative of the overall instability of the triticale genome, which a synthetic amphidiploider and indicate the passing of co-adaptation process wheat and rye subgenomics.
Keywords: Triticale, IRAP-analysis, in vitro selection.