Використання послідовностей NB домена білків класу NB-LRR для скринінгу генів стійкості до стеблової іржі

  • Б. В. Іващук
  • Я. В. Пірко
  • Я. Б. Блюм


Aim. Today, stem rust is one of the greatest threats to wheat production worldwide. Despite the recent discovery of new resistance genes, there is a likelihood of new insensitive stem rust strain emergence. This work is aimed at detecting of new stem rust resistance genes and deepening the knowledge about them. Methods. The CTAB-method for the isolation of DNA, PCR amplification with special degenerative primers, electrophoretic analysis, cloning and sequencing were used. Results. Five fragments of possible stem rust resistance genes have been coned. BLAST search showed that the genomes of T. aestivum, T. urartu, Ae. taushii contains the sequences that is highly identical to the isolated fragments. Phylogenetic methods allowed to identify the gene clusters with the common evolution origin. Conclusions. Using the sequences of known wheat and barley stem rust resistance genes, the search of new candidate genes for stem rust resistance in T. aestivum genome have been performed. The sequences that could be the parts of new stem rust resistance genes have been obtained and analyzed. Received information may be useful for the further researches in the field of stem rust resistance genetics.

Keywords: stem rust, resistance genes, T. aestivum genome.