Поліморфізм інтрогресивних ліній Triticum aestivum / Amblyopyrum muticum за геном AGL21, промотором розвитку коренів

  • Т. С. Єфіменко
  • М. З. Антонюк
  • Т. К. Терновська


Aim. Investigate T. aestivum / A. muticum introgressive lines and their parental genotypes for polymorphism at genes AGL21, AGL14 and CBF-A14, and determine whether lines with Aurotica alleles differ from the lines with Aurora alleles for the winter field survival. Methods. PCR with primers specific to the coding region of wheat AGL21, AGL14, and CBFA14 genes, electrophoresis in PAAG in denaturating conditions, visualization by silver staining. Results. No polymorphism was found between Aurora and Aurotica for amplification products produced with primers AGL14 and CBF-A14 gene. With primers to second part of the AGL21 gene Aurora and Aurotica produced polymorphic products, and these primers were used for analysis of introgressive lines, the results of this analysis were compared to lines' persistency under winter stress. Conclusions. Lines with Aurotica allele of gene AGL21 have better persistency under winter stress. Gene AGL21 may be used as molecular marker for winter resistance in segregating populations.

Keywords: wheat introgressive lines, winter resistance, AGL21, Amblyopyrum muticum, auxin.