Неменделевское наследование в половых потомствах

  • E. V. Levites Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук Россия, 630090, г. Новосибирск, пр-кт Лаврентьева, 10
  • S. S. Kirikovich Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук Россия, 630090, г. Новосибирск, пр-кт Лаврентьева, 10


Aims. It was shown by us early that ratio of phenotypic classes in agamospermous progenies may be determined by combinatorial process not connected with changes of chromosome set in embryogenesis entering cells. Finding the phenomenon allowed us to raise a question about the possibility regarding the existence of an analogous combinatorial process also in the sexual progeny formation. Methods. Analysis of hybrid progeny obtained by hybridization of two homozygous plants differing in two marker enzyme genes was carried out. Results. One out of 77 analyzed hybrid plants has homozygous phenotype and one has homozygous genotype on the gene Me1 controlling malic enzyme, under their heterozygosity on the second marker gene Gpi2 controlling glucosephosphate isomerase-2. These two plants heterozygosity on Gpi2 is suggestive of their passed hybridization, but their homozygosity on Me1 points out the existence of the combinatorial process. Conclusions. Obtained results can be explained by polyteny of chromosome regions carrying marker genes and by excessive chromatin copies random equi-probable diminution from the embryogenesis-entering zygote.

Key words: Beta vulgaris L., hybridization, polyteny, zygotic combinatorial process, nonmendelian inheritance.