Позитивний вплив антибіотика тиментину на елімінацію Agrobacterium tumefaciens та регенерацію in vitro пшениці м’якої Triticum aestivum

  • І. Р. Горбатюк
  • І. С. Гнатюк
  • М. О. Банникова
  • Б. В. Моргун


Aims. Effective elimination of bacteria is a crucial factor for efficient plant transformation. Cefotaxime is usually used to inhibit Agrobacterium cell growth but it inhibits plant regeneration too. So the search continues for a stable nontoxic for plants antibiotic. Methods. The disc diffusion method was used to show an inhibitory effect of antibiotics Timentin and Cefotaxime on Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain ABI. 18-day callus of Triticum aestivum cv. Zymoyarka was used to determine the effect of different antibiotic concentrations on morphogenesis and regeneration. Results. Comparing the effects of Timentin and Cefotaxime different concentrations on Agrobacterium it was found that Timentin is more efficient – diameter of inhibitory zone was the same for 350 mg/l Timentin and 500 mg/l Cefotaxime. The optimum concentration of Timentin (350 mg/l) for the elimination of Agrobacterium did not cause any necrosis but enhanced both the frequency of morphogenesis and plant regeneration. Conclusions. 350 mg/l Timentin completely eliminates Agrobacterium and increases both the frequency of regeneration and morphogenesis of bread wheat.

Keywords: Triticum aestivum, in vitro culture, Timentin, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, morphogenesis, regeneration.