Про наукову діяльність у галузі біології та медицини видатних вчених ХІХ–ХХ ст. — вихідців з України

  • Р. П. Піскун
  • С. С. Хлєстова
  • Н. М. Гринчак


Aims. The History of national science in the field of biology and medicine knows a lot of famous scientists, Ukrainian people are justifiably proud of. The names of prominent scientist presented in the article, gave Ukrainian people great knowledge and experience, scientific research of something new and useful, boundless love to a person, selfless service to Motherland. Methods. The purpose of our research is to remember the prominent names and dates of scientific activity of Ukrainian scientists of XIXth–XXth century, that were born in Ukraine, got education there, enriched biological and medical science of Ukraine by their scientific achieve ments and were buried in Ukrainian land. Conclusions. So, we aimed to give reliable information about the vital and scientific way of scientists, to generalize, to detalize and systematize the above mentioned, in order to remain in our hearts names of prominent scientists of Ukraine of XIXth–XXth century in the field of biology and medicine as long as possible. We want our today’s generation of XXIst century to value the scientific contribution of past centuries and try to be useful for the modern society and surprise it with the newest scientific achievements. This, we are grateful to outstanding Ukrainian scientists all heatedly, as they deserve to be in mind forever for their invaluable contribution in the field of medical and biological science.

Keywords: famous scientist, field of biology, field of medicine.