Аналіз структури продуктивності колекційних зразків малопоширених видів пшениці

  • В. В. Моргун
  • С. М. Січкар
  • В. М. Починок
  • О. В. Голік
  • Т. В. Чугункова


Aim. To analyze a collection of rare species of wheat and select samples with high levels of productivity elements for use in breeding programs and creation of new varieties of spelt and emmer. Methods. Field and laboratory methods for studying the structure of plant productivity. Results. The samples of spelt and emmer collections from the Plant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev of NAAS of Ukraine and other scientific institutions were examined and characteristics of plant productivity structure elements were represented. Conclusions. Perspective forms of winter spelt as well as winter and spring emmer with high levels of productivity and elements of it structure were selected for genetic improvement of spelt, emmer and bread wheat.

Keywords: Triticum spelta L., T. dicoccum (Schrank) Schuebl., diversity, plant productivity structure.