Підвищення стійкості організму корів до негативного впливу плюмбуму кормів раціону

  • О. М. Маменко
  • З. В. Ємець
  • С. С. Хруцький


Aims. The technological features of the production of ecologically safe cow’s milk have been studied and its compliance with domestic and international quality standards as for the content of Pb (lead) within the specified maximum permissible limits has been assessed. Methods. The laboratory physical and chemical tests of the experimental material with the use of the atom absorption spectrophotometry ААS-30 method (Carl Zeiss, Jena) have been carried out, the biometric processing of the received results has been done. Results. Ecocide load agroborealis Pb manifested itself in the decline in the productivity of the animals from 10.8 to 11.7 % (p ≥ 0.999) that can be restored by the use of specially developed premix and phytobioproduct. The above premix promotes the excretion of heavy metals on the level of metabolism because it contains substances that are antagonists to heavy metals and they are capable to replace in metabolic processes (supplant heavy metals mercury, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc), the drug "AUGER-5" enhances the antitoxic action of the premix directly in the tissues and organs of the body. The milk of the cows in group III (RR + premix + phytobioproduct) corresponded to the highest grade (p ≥ 0.999) by reducing the number of somatic cells to the level 385.1 thousand/cm3 and heavy metals to the MPC domestic and European standards. Conclusions. The cows of Red Steppe breed were relatively resistant to the high level of lead that can be explained by their high durability and adaptability to different climatic conditions and a positive reaction to the feeding of the premix and the introduction of phytobioproduct.

Keywords: Red Steppe breed, lead, ecocida load, influence, milk quality.