Кариологическое исследование и количественный анализ ДНК красно- и желтопыльниковой форм сосны обыкновенной в болотных и суходольных экотопах

  • T. S. Sedel’nikova
  • A. V. Pimenov


Aims. The comparative study of red- and yellow-colored male cones forms of Scots pine growing in bog and dry valleys ecotopes by karyological parameters and DNA content was conducted. Methods. The follow chromosomal parameters were determined: absolute length of chromosomes, total length of the diploid complement of chromosomes, relative length of chromosomes, centromeric index, localization of secondary constriction. Evaluation of DNA content was carried out in spectrophotometer BioRad Smartspec Plus by the standard technique (Padutov et al., 2007). Results. Red- and yellow-colored male cones forms of Scots pine have differences in length of chromosomes, localization of secondary constrictions, and DNA content both in bog and dry valleys ecotopes. Conclusions. Red- and yellow-colored male cones forms of Scots pine are components of intraspecific diversity, possessing different adaptive advantages in bog and dry valleys ecotopes.

Key words: Pinus sylvestris, intraspecific forms, karyotype, DNA content.