Изучение цитогенетических характеристик семенного потомства сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) в услових засухи и техногенного загрязнения

  • E. Yu. Pardayeva
  • O. S. Mashkina
  • N. F. Kuznetsova


Aims. To research the indices of seed productivity and cytogenetic variability of seed progeny of Scots pine-trees, which are exposed to weathering and technogenic stress factors, to assess the genome stability and to identify the specificity and reaction norms of different genotypes. Methods. The sensibility of generative sphere to stress factors was assessed by indices of seed productivity and cytogenetic parameters. Results. There were distinguished some groups of sensitive and resistant trees to stress factors based on the indices of seed productivity. It has been shown that cytogenetic indices for groups of sensitive and resistant trees are different. Conclusions. It has been found that the response of different genotypes to stress is different in both regions, that is reflected in the degree of their resistance to the adverse environmental conditions.

Key words: Scots pine, seed productivity, cytogenetic characteristics, extreme conditions, bioindication.