Генетичні та адаптивні аспекти селекції ячменю ярого

  • М. Р. Козаченко
  • O. Є. Важеніна
  • Н. І. Васько
  • П. М. Солонечний
  • О. Г. Наумов


Aims. Definition of effectiveness of the selection of the valuable lines depending on the genetical peculiarities of spring barley varieties in the topсrosses system. Methods. Hybridization in the topсrosses system. Definition of adaptability and general combining ability. Estimation and selection of lines on the stages of the breeding process. Results. Morfo-biological, genetical, adaptical and selective peculiarities of spring barley varieties are defined. Dependence of the valuable lines breeding from plant productivity of spring barley varieties used in the full topсrosses was defined. Valuable lines with high productivity was created. Line 08-73 (Pasadena / Tolar) called the variety of Malovnychyi was transferred to the State varieties testing since 2013. Conclusions. Effectiveness of the selection of the valuable lines in the full topсrosses system in the stages of the breeding process depending on the genetical peculiarities of spring barley varieties was defined.

Key words: spring barley varieties, genetical and adaptical peculiarities, topсrosses system, breeding process, lines.